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Lua syntax

Learn the syntax for Lua including basic examples and notes to help you.


Before we show any function examples for syntax examples, you must know what a lambda and a callback is. A lambda is a function that's made when passing the argument. When doing a notify, interval, or timeout event (as shown below later), a function callback that's specified is called.

You can either make a function callback that uses a lambda:

level:onnotify("connected", function(player)
-- [...]

Or, you can make a function callback by calling the function seperate:

function on_player_connected(player)
-- [...]

level:onnotify("connected", on_player_connected)

Syntax examples shown as mostly lambdas, while some are seperate-called functions.


There are only 5 distinct types needed to interact with game's scripting environment. LUA, of course, has more types, but what is meant by this is the following:

When dealing with events, functions or fields, no complex LUA types are supported, only these primitive types:


Strings are text enclosed by quotes as so: "Hello World". There is not much to say about them, as they are a common concept.


Integers are all whole numbers like 0, 1000 or -15. Boolean values, so true and false, also fall under that category and are handled as 1 and 0 respectively.


Floating point values are all numbers like 1.05 or -10.5. 1.0 is also a floating point number literal. This is due to the dot notation, even though it's technically a whole number.


A vector is a type that groups exactly 3 floating point components. It is used to represent coordinates, angles or colors in the game.

Creating a new vector can be done like this:

local my_vector = vector:new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

-- Statements below will be true
assert(my_vector.x == 1.0)
assert(my_vector.y == 2.0)
assert(my_vector.z == 3.0)

You can access the individual components using either x, y, and z property accessors, or r, g and b (note that both notations are equivalent, meaning x โ‰˜ r, y โ‰˜ g and z โ‰˜ b).

local my_vector = vector:new() -- vector is initialized as (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
my_vector.x = 5.0
my_vector.y = 1.0
my_vector.z = 2.0

local val1 = my_vector.x -- val1 is 5.0
local val2 = my_vector.r -- val2 is also 5.0, as x and r are equivalent

-- The statements below are always true
assert(my_vector.y == my_vector.g)
assert(my_vector.z == my_vector.b)


Entities represent 'things' that 'exist' in the game. Players are for example entities. Vehicles, hud elements, or the level are also entites. They can fire events, but also call functions into the game's scripting environment. Some entites also have certain fields (or properties), like an origin or a name.


Entites can fire notify events. The concept was previously known as notify and waittill in GSC. Popular events are the connected event fired by the level, or the spawned_player event fired by players.

Event Listening (waittill)

You can listen to any of these events by calling either onnotify or onnotifyonce on an entity:

level:onnotify("connected", function(player)
-- [...]

In the example above, the player_connected callback is called every time a player connects. If you don't want to be notified every time, you can use onnotifyonce instead, which only fires once.

If you called onnotify (or onnotifyonce), but want to stop listening for notifications, you can call clear on the object is returned:

-- [...]

local listener = level:onnotify("connected", function(player)
-- [...]

-- [...]

listener:clear() -- stops listening for the `connected` event

Events can carry arguments. For example, the connected event by the level carries the connecting player as an argument. You can get these arguments by adding paramters to the callback functions, as seen in the player_connected callback above.

Firing (notify)

To fire (or notify) a event, you can call the notify function on an entity:

-- this callback function is called by the "connected" event
function entity:connected()
self:onnotify("hello_world", function()
print("Callback was recieved for hello_world notify")

-- [...]


Don't forget - you can also pass arguments to the event (there can be any amount, but they must be instances of one of the 5 primitive types):

-- this callback function is called by the "connected" event
function entity:connected()
self:onnotify("hello_world", function(str1, str2)
print("Callback was recieved for hello_world notify: " .. str1 " " .. str2)

-- [...]

self:notify("hello_world", "Hello", "World")


Timers are required to delay the execution. GSC had a function called wait, which paused the execution of a thread for a specific amount of time. Due to the control flow being different in LUA, there are neither threads, nor is there a wait function.

However, you can do something else to delay the execution. The functions ontimeout and oninterval, which need to be called on the game object, allow to do that. They take two arguments, a callback and a time to wait in milliseconds.

-- [...]
end, 1000)

Similar to the functions setTimeout and setInterval known from JavaScript, ontimeout executes the callback exactly once when the delay is reached and oninterval executes it every time the specified amount of time passes.

local timer = game:ontimeout(function()
-- [...]
end, 1000)

-- [...]


Timer callbacks don't and shouldn't take any arguments. If you want to pass an object, like a player, to a callback, you have to capture it, in a lambda for example:

function entity:do_something_cool()
print( .. " is now doing something cool.")
-- [...]

-- [...]

local player = -- [...]
end, 1000)


The game provides a set of global functions and entity methods. The functions provided are pretty much the same as COD4 had them, or any other game that uses GSC. Since this game is heavily based off IW6 (Ghosts) engine and is very very similar, most of the GSC used in IW6 and S1 (Advanced Warfare) is the same.

You can use a community-made COD4 Scripting Reference website to find some functions (libcod does not exist in stock GSC nor H1-Mod). Any functions, methods, or tokens should be all lowercase.

Global functions are functions that don't need an entity to run. They are called on the game object (ex: game:isplayer(player)). When referring to the COD4 Scripting Reference, these functions won't have have a Call this on: tab.

Example of a global function:

local player = -- [...]
if game:isplayer(player) == 1 then
print( .. " is a player")

There are also member functions. These will have a Call this on: tab on the COD4 Scripting Reference. Example of a member function:

local player = -- [...]

For a list of all functions, methods, and tokens available in H1-Mod, have a look at the function, method, and token tables.

Entity-specific functions

Functions defined with an entity: prefix give the function the ability to use the self keyword, similar to GSC.

-- entity: prefix defined, makes this function only available to be called on entities
function entity:connected()
print("Player " .. .. " connected")

level:onnotify("connected", function(player)

Syntax examples shown are mostly using entity-defined functions. The alternative to not defining the entity: prefix would be passing the player through like normal (as shown in callbacks).


Entities do have fields (or properties). They differ for each type of entity. For example, players have fields like name, origin, or angles and hud elements have fields like x, y, or alpha.

You can get and set them like this (only the 5 primitive types are supported):

local player_name =
player.origin = vector:new()

There is no complete list of which fields exist. For example, level.players is not a field and is a variable. Not every field from GSC is available in LUA and may also have a definition of _ID<decimal> or _id_<hex>, which you can find in the tutorial for finding variable/field IDs later.

Noteworthy information

Players can disconnect. It might sound obvious, but is important for scripting. Executing functions on a player that doesn't exist won't work. Additionally, captured player objects need to be freed.

GSC used to have a function called endon, which allowed to terminate a thread as soon as an event happend. For example, player endon("disconnect") stopped the execution of a thread when a player disconnected.

Back when IW6x had just released Lua scripting, the endon functionality did not exist. Later in IW6x, S1x, and now H1-Mod, the endon functionality has been implemented like so:

function entity:do_something_cool()
print( .. " is now doing something cool.")
-- [...]

-- [...]

local player = -- [...]
local timer = game:oninterval(function()
end, 1000)

-- the interval timer loop will stop running when the `disconnect` event is called on the player
timer:endon(player, "disconnect")

Additional client features

Because there is a custom Lua scripting API, there are some custom stuff that come from us that assist in development and make stuff easier to work with.

Calling/hooking GSC functions

Refer to GSC references in Lua to figure out how to do this. This also contains including files from GSC and calling function variables.

Chat notifies

When a player sends a chat, you are able to grab that in Lua. All you need to do is monitor the say (or say_team) notify. The optional hidden parameter is only true when the player's chat message starts with /.

level:onnotify("say", function(player, message, hidden)
print( .. ": " .. message)

You can also monitor the notify on a specific player.

level:onnotify("connected", function(player)
player:onnotify("say", function(message, hidden)
print( .. ": " .. message)

Command execution

You can use the game:executecommand function from the game object like this:

game:executecommand("map mp_crash")

Player damage/killed callbacks

Callbacks can be added using the game:onplayerkilled or game:onplayerdamage functions from the game object. The only data you can modify from this is the damage. Returning anything other than a number (msut be an integer) will not do anything.

game:onplayerdamage(function(_self, inflictor, attacker, damage, dflags, mod, weapon, point, dir, hitloc)
damage = 0
return damage

game:onplayerkilled(function(_self, inflictor, attacker, damage, mod, weapon, dir, hitloc, timeoffset, deathanimduration)
print( .. " killed " ..

GSC arrays

GSC arrays are supported and can be accessed similarly to GSC:

local players = game:getentarray("player", "classname")
for i = 1, #players do
local player = players[i]
print("Index " .. i .. ": Player is " ..

GSC structs

GSC structs are also supported similarly as the arrays. To get an entity's struct, you can directly access the property.

-- old way
local grace_period = level:getstruct().ingraceperiod

-- new way
local grace_period = level.ingraceperiod


HTTP functions can be accessed from the global http table.

  • http.request(url[, options[, async]]): Returns a table, you can replace the request's callbacks (onprogress, onerror, onload) with your own and send the request using the .send method.

    The second parameter is the options table, which should contain two other tables for the headers and parameters for POST requests.

    The async parameter specifies wheter the request will be executed on the server thread or on a async thread. If you choose to execute it asynchronously then inside the callbacks you must wrap any calls to game functions with game:ontimeout in order to call them from the correct thread.

    local request = http.request("", {
    headers = {
    ["Content-type"] = "text/html"
    parameters = {
    foo = "bar"
    }, true)

    request.onprogress = function(progress)

    request.onerror = function(error, code)
    print(error, code)

    -- Request is done
    request.onload = function(data)

    end, 0)

  • http.get(url, callback[, async]): This function is simpler than http.request and only takes the url and callback as parameters (and eventually the async parameter).

    http.get("", function(data)
    end, true)