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GSC scripting

Introduction to GSC scripting

GSC is a derivative of the 'C' programming language, but made easy for doing gameplay-related stuff. If you understand C or C++, then GSC will come familiar to you. And if you don't know know any other programming languages - don't worry! GSC is made to be easy.

Before learning about the language and writing it, read up on how to load a GSC script.

Writing a basic script

In this little tutorial, we are going to write a simple GSC script that will count the amount of spawns on a player and do a print to the console.

level thread on_player_connected();

level endon("game_ended");

level waittill("connected", player); // this notify will run EVERY TIME a new player has connected
player thread on_player_spawned();

self endon("disconnect");
level endon("game_ended");

self.spawns = 0; // we setup a new variable to keep count of spawns on the player entity

self waittill("spawned_player"); // this notify will run EVERY TIME the player has spawned

self.spawns += 1; // we add 1 to this variable everytime the player spawns

print(va("Player %s has spawned %s times!",, self.spawns));

And after that, you have successfully made a basic GSC script. You can refer to GSC Syntax on the basics of GSC.