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Map Porting (S1 -> H1 <- H2)

To port maps from S1 or H2, you must use x64-zt. You can also download the S1 Asset Listing from here

Once you find the zone you want to dump (example: mp_greenband from S1), use the dumpmap <target game> <zone> command and wait for your zone to dump.

  1. Run the command at dumpmap h1 mp_greenband
  2. Find the finalized dumped zone folder at %S1 game files%/dump/mp_greenband/
  3. Move the dumped folder to %MWR game files%/zonetool/mp_greenband/
  4. Open x64-zt, and run the command generatecsv <zone> (example: generatecsv mp_greenband)

After you've generated your CSV, your map can now be built. Simply run buildzone mp_greenband to build the map.

Extra steps

For the map to look correct, you must create a GSC file for your map. This will be a script that will be executed once the map starts. This script differs on multiplayer & singleplayer. Dumping a map from S1 or H2 should have a map GSC you can use or reference to make a new one.


maps\mp\_compass::setupminimap("compass_map_mapname"); // change compass name here


maps\createfx\mapname_fx::main(); // only if this script exists
maps\mapname_fx::main(); // only if this script exists
maps\_compass::setupminimap("compass_map_mapname"); // change compass name here

Red images

Red images indicates that you are missing images. Dump the source game's common fastfile (most of the time it is called common_mp for multiplayer and common for singleplayer) using the command:

dumpzone <target game> common_mp

Note that a "patch" version of the common fastfile always exists (example: patch_common_mp), so the assets could also be there.

You should then move this folder from dump/ into a folder called zonetool_paths in your target game's root directory. x64-zt will look for assets in any folder inside zonetool_paths. Alternatively, you can copy the contents of the dumped folder into the map's zonetool folder, but this is not advised as it will take a long time.

"REF" red models

The process to fix is relatively the same with images.

Textures are black/gray/white/red

This probably means that zonetool failed to dump the streamed images. To check if this is the case, see if the streamed_images folder contains .pixels files, if not then something went wrong. Most likely zonetool was unable to find the source game's image files. This should not happen.

Vertex type X doesn't have the information used by shader Y in material Z

This most likely indicates you are missing that particular material, the same fix as issue #1 should apply.

Bad weaponinfo X specified for turret. It likely needs to be precached in script.

This indicates that the original map includes a turret, you can either:

Simply remove the turret entirely (this is advised unless you really want the turret). To do this, open the <mapname>.d3dbsp.ents file you will find in zonetool/mapname/maps/mp or zonetool/mapname/maps/ and search for "weaponinfo". Once found, remove the entire section that includes it, example:

"bottomarc" "70"
"rightarc" "40"
"leftarc" "40"
"targetname" "minigun_turret_2"
"spawnflags" "0"
"toparc" "10"
"classname" "misc_turret"
"export" "1"
"model" "npc_minigun_turret"
"weaponinfo" "turret_minigun_mp"
"origin" "1004.5 -80 865"
"angles" "0 180 0"

Everything from and including the opening bracket to the closing bracket should be removed. Repeat this for every case of "weaponinfo" in the file.

Or you can add the required assets (usually just the weapon): Repeat the same process as for removing it but don't actually remove it and simply save every instance of the value of "weaponinfo".

For example, the value of one of the weaponinfo's is turret_minigun_mp. This just gets parsed in your CSV as:


animation 'X' not defined in anim tree '{animtree name}'

This means the map is using an animation tree that is not defined on the target game. Dump the {animtree name}.atr of the source game, which is usually found in the common fastfile (refer to issue #1), copy the file (including its folder: animtrees/{animtree name}.atr) into a folder called override (create it if it doesn't exist) inside [target game]/zonetool/mapname/, then include it in the csv (refer to issue #1).

rawfile,override/animtrees/{animtree name}.atr