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Map Porting (IW3/4/5 -> H1/H2/S1)

To port maps from IW3, IW4, & IW5, you must use Joelrau's zonetool DLL on the h1 branch from GitHub. This version of zonetool will target H1 for asset dumping and is expected to be used with x64-zt for building custom H1 assets from disk.


Due to massive lighting changes done from MW3 -> Ghosts, maps ported from games before Ghosts don't take full advantage of H1 technology and may not look the best. For better lightgrid lighting, you can set the dvar r_lightGridNonCompressed to 1 before loading into your map.

To start the map porting process, you'll need:

  • the zonetool .exe for your game, which goes in the game files of that game
  • the zonetool .dll from Joelrau compiled, which goes right alongside the exe

Once you find the zone you want to dump (example: mp_bog), use the dumpzone mp_bog command and wait for your zone to dump.

  1. find the finalized dumped zone folder at %game files%/dump/mp_bog/
  2. move the dumped folder to %MWR game files%/zonetool/mp_bog/
  3. open x64-zt, and run generatecsv <zone> (example: generatecsv mp_bog)

Fixing "Could not find mapped X techset for Y techset"


Mapping techsets is not a beginner friendly task and requires manual work. Doing so could be time consuming depending if you find proper matches and research the materials in H1 to compare to older game materials.

To fix this error, you can modify zonetool's Material class in Dumper for H1 to map the techsets listed. Using the H1 Asset Listing, you can search up techsets that are similar in H1 and map them.

Another way to fix this error is to manually fix the techset used in the material listed, and then using the asset listing above to find materials that may be in H1 with the exact same name or a similar material.

Fixing "Could not find mapped X sortkey for sortkey: Y"

Sortkeys are used in materials and must be remapped from older games to H1 or any newer games. A lot of them are mapped, but some are not completely studied. Leaving this error be can be okay in most cases.

Older game techsets

When porting from older games into H1, techsets are remapped to use H1 techsets instead since older games are DX9. Lots of these techsets still exist in one way or another, but it takes some manual work to find them. Luckily, you can download the H1 Asset Listing and then use a ZIP extractor to get the zone sources of H1 techsets. A recommended program to navigate these would be Notepad++ or VSCode.

Before you start finding missing techsets, use dumpzone <zone name> for:

  • techsets_common_mp
  • techsets_mp_killhouse
  • techsets_ac130

These will help you filter out any common techset errors you'll get.

SP techset dumping

Before dumping techsets from singleplayer, you must run the command loadzone techsets_common, and then you can use dump your singleplayer techsets zone.

SP material limit error

If you a hit a material limit dumping a singleplayer zone/map, you must modify zonetool to load code_post_gfx + common instead of code_post_gfx_mp + common_mp. You can find the code for common zones here.

Missing techsets

To find missing techsets your map needs, try building your zone in x64-zt. When your zone is building, you might recieve a error alongside something to do with "statebit info", "techset", or a very long and weird name. This usually indicates missing techset errors and are easy to resolve.


When going through the asset listing to find your desired techset, you'll need to look for techsets that are NOT reference assets. For example:

non-reference example (good): techset,my_beautiful_techset_p0n0

reference example (bad, uses two commas): techset,,my_beautiful_techset_p0n0

(Singleplayer game files may be required for some missing techsets)

When you dump the zone that contains your desired techset, it should start with techset_. After running the dumpzone <zone> command, find your desired techset zone folder in your dump folder (located at %game files%/dump/), and then put it in %game files%/zonetool_paths/techsets_mp_bog/. x64-zt will now look here for techsets before erroring!

Fullbright/black lighting on models (bad techs used in mats)

Some models/foliage on your map may be fullbright and not responding correctly to the lighting. The reasoning may be due to your foliage/model using mc_ambient_t0c0_nfwpf/mc_ambient_t0c0_nfwpf_nocast. If this is the case, replace it with techset mc_l_sm_t0c0_nfwpf. This should be fixed on newer ZoneTool versions on Joelrau's fork, however older maps & dumps may have this problem.

Map crashing on H1 with 0x1406B33F4

This is simply a error that occurs when a bad material is being used. To debug this, from the private match screen, use the map command followed by debug_materials 1 in your console. This will tank your FPS so only use this when needed, aka after a command that's doing something like loading a map. The last material listed before the error occurs is the broken material you have to fix for your map!

Example command: devmap mp_paris;debug_materials 1